I am officially leaving for South America on August 28th! I just bought my ticket and want to pee my pants I'm so excited. I have to agree with my travel guy who said, "You know you're going on a great trip when just your flight itenerary is two pages long."
Well, no turning back now. Not that I want to in the least. It was a bit scary handing over all of that money though. I had a moment of panic wondering if I was doing the right thing or if this was incredibly irresponsible and a waste of money, but I got over that real quick. I will never regret doing this. And who gives a fuck about money?! I've known for many years now that my aspirations in life were not going to make me a millionaire, so I'm not worried about it. Yes, I will have to pay off my student loans for the rest of my natural life, but the experience will be more than worth it (and let's face, I would have to pay off student loans for the rest of my life even if I didn't go on this trip). And there's always the option of staying down in South America. I imagine there are lots of places to hide out down there, if one were so inclined. Hmmm, sounds lovely. No, no! I can't just skip out on all of my responsibilities. That would be wrong. I will come back . . . maybe.
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